About Us
Serious Games Information Center

The Serious Games Information Center (SG-IC) represents an information/catalogue system for Serious Games.The semantic basis for the description and retrieval of Serious Games is built by the Serious Games Metadata Format (SG-MDF), which is published as DIN SPEC 91380 and freely accessible. The development of the standard as well as the development of the SG-IC was supported by the State of Hesse in its funding program "digitales hessen".
Information System
Supplier - Promote games
Users - Find games
Apart from the title of the game and a description of the game including information about the gameplay and game content, the games can be tagged with predefined attribute values, e.g. application areas, the target group or platforms, or qualitative information on the desired/proven effects or economic aspects such as prices, licensing models or development costs.
In this way, finding a suitable game is made easier and potential users/customers get a feeling about the cost/benefit ratio of a serious game.
Users such as trainers, teachers, doctors, therapists (intermediaries) or trainees, students, parents and patients (end consumers) can use the information system to find games appropriate to individual needs and preferences.
Predefined attribute values/categories for individual description elements of the SG-MDF (e.g. application area, game genre, platform, age) as well as free text for a full-text search can be used as search parameters.
About Us
The development of the Serious Games Information Center (SG-IC) has been realized by the Serious Games Group until late 2021 settled at the Multimedia Communications Lab – KOM at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the httc e.V. Since January 2022, the Serious Grames research group is settled in the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Darmstadt.
Dr. Stefan Göbel moderated the socalled “workshop” for the conceptualization and standardization of the Serious Games Metadata Format (SG-MDF) in cooperation with the DIN Institute and 42 persons from 37 institutions from industry (serious games market) and academia. Both the SG-IC and SG-MDF activities were supported by the State of Hesse in its funding progrom "Digitales Hessen".